Curriculum Design
The design of the curriculum of the programme is of utmost importance to ensure the academic excellence of the programme. As such, the curriculum designed brings together the strong sides and best features of the consortium members. A Joint Integration Week will first be held, where students will come together under an orientation programme and introduce their culture and countries, followed by elective courses at OMU-Turkey during the first semester. Students will take courses in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition at UAK-Poland and AU-Bulgaria in the second semester. Between the two semesters, a joint 7 days Field Camp will be held in OMU-Turkey.
In the second year, students will start studying their master thesis at emiSS partner universities. In the third semester, students have to perform a seminar related with their study topic. In the fourth semester, students will complete their thesis studies and write their theses. They will defend the theses at the end of the semester in front of three jury members consisting of two members from the university where the thesis study is completed and one from the emiSS universities.
emiSS - Student agreement template